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Brand yourself for the career you want, not the job you have.

Jan 25, 2024

3 min read



The concept of a personal brand is not new. But what does it actually mean? And why is it so important?

Your personal brand is what you want to be known for. It can be anything you wish. But how you act and behave will fundamentally shape this. It will shape how others view you, and possibly the opportunities you get.

For all, ambitious professionals (but especially young and budding) this is the absolute foundation to your career development. This is not about ‘doing your job’ but about creating a name or in this case (a brand) for yourself.

If you want people to see you as reliable, be reliable.

If you want people to see you as an ambitious go getter. Be one.

If someone gives you an opportunity, take it.

Do your best. Ask questions. Go above and beyond. Be helpful.

We all know people with different personal brands…

Think of the glass half empty guy you’ve worked with, where everything is doomed and starts with a no. Or the girl that does the bare minimum who you have to constantly follow up. Is this who you want to work with? Or promote when the next opportunity arises? Probably not.

Building your personal brand is critically important, and it all starts with you.

Be accountable.

It’s the 1 percenters. If you want people to give you opportunities, to help you, your career, earn it. Work ethic is an important part of your personal brand; delivering your commitments, helping others, and being part of the solutions (instead of the problem) are all tangible things that positively contribute. If you think something can be improved, make a suggestion on how your business might improve it rather than complaining about it. One has impact, the other one doesn’t. If you aren’t sure how to, a good first step is to ask your boss. Managers love proactive people!


Many of us can be impatient at times. We want to progress and be at the top our game, but, a lesson, learnt by many, is to enjoy the journey (sounds lame, but it’s true). Each step, role, or promotion you take will come with one million learnings, and honing your craft takes time.

One study suggests it takes 10,000 hours to master a skill, which translates to about 9 years (consider 5 days a week, spending 4 hours a day).

We don’t suggest waiting this long! But it pays to remember getting really good at anything takes time. Try and balance the patience and ambition, it will ultimately set you up better in the long run.

You will get knocked down.

Every. Single. Person. has to deal with rejection, let downs, mistake and setbacks. So, I encourage all of you in the wise words of Taylor Swift to, shake it off. Harder said than done, but things happen, and your resilience will get a good test.

Confide in a friend, de-brief, reflect, give it some time, and move on. Ego can become a barrier to this, but at the end of the day, we can all waste time being slightly embarrassed, worried about what others will think... and you know what, people probably won’t care. And if someone does anything but support you, who are they to you anyway? We all face hard times, keep your chin up.


Your communication provides a critical vehicle for your personal brand. Ever heard of the 7-38-55 rule?

It’s a concept that states 93% of meaning is communicated via non-verbal ques! Albert Mehrabian came up with this concept in 1971, which suggests:

· 7% is via the spoken word

· 38% tone of voice

· 55% through body language

So next time you are trying to communicate something think about the combination of communication; stand up tall, look people in the eyes and speak clearly.

Hot tip: remember communication isn’t just about what you intend to say, but how a person interprets it. Think about your audience and how you can best engage them.

Learning is forever.

There is so much to gain from exposing yourself to new things, and if you keep learning as a regular, normal part of your life, it’s amazing how much you love it. It could be reading a quick article, jumping into a book, listening to a podcast, watching a TED talk, or taking on something more formal like a short course, university degree, or a practical opportunity at work. Stay hungry for it. This also helps your personal brand evolve 😊

Good luck!

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